Handbell Music by Daniel Gibby

Find My Music

Some of the places you can find music arrangements and compositions by Daniel Lee Gibby are:

Sheet Music Direct

Sacred Sheet Music (it’s all free there!)

Sheet Music Plus


Ready to ring in a concert at the famed (and beloved to me) Tabernacle at Temple Square.

Music Background

When I was about 5 years old I wanted to be like my 4 older siblings who already were taking piano lessons. I’m sure my mom wanted to hold me off for a bit so my fingers could grow, but I grabbed one of their books and taught myself a bit.

I still remember the lyrics and melody to the first song I ever learned (before I started lessons): “Putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, goes the little speedboat. Putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt. It’s his favorite note.” Profound.

I’ve improved a bit since then. Now if you’d like a level 5+ piece for 3-7 octaves of handbells and 2-6 octaves handchimes, a string quartet, and a drum kit, I can do that! Or if you are looking for a simplified arrangements for just 12 bells or maybe a level 1 piece for a 2 octave handbell choir, no problem! Challenge accepted!

See above for the many places you can find my music. Or if you’d like to hire me, commission a piece.