Come, Follow Me arranged for 20 handbells

Come Follow Me 20 bells in C Major by Daniel Lee Gibby MP32:42
Come Follow Me 20 chimes in C Major by Daniel Lee Gibby MP32:41
Come Follow Me 2 octave bells in G Major by Daniel Lee Gibby PDF2:41

This Level 3 handbell arrangement of Come, Follow Me uses 20 hand bells or hand chimes.

There are two different versions of the same arrangement for different bell ranges:

  • The version in the key of C Major ranges from C5 to C7, matching the 1985 Hymn book.
  • The version in G makes it possible to ring with a standard 2-octave handbell choir.

The first verse is in 4/4 instead of the normal 3/4 time signature. This gives a beautiful flowing sound. The 2nd verse is more contemplative in the original 3/4.

The 3rd verse repeats the first so as to fit on one page to make it easier to play in settings such as Sacrament Meeting.

3 octave version in C Major

2 octave version in G Major